Fort Washakie Health Center

Fort Washakie Health Center
P.O. Box 128
Fort Washakie, Wyoming 82514
Main: (307) 332-7300
Fax: (307) 332-3949
The user population is comprised of 10,964 Native American people. We have two outpatient clinics, one located in Arapahoe and one located in Ft. Washakie. We are staffed with family physicians, pediatricians, physician assistant, family nurse practitioners, psychologists, dentists, dietician, public health nurses and optometrists. Specialty clinics are also held at our facilities ranging from orthopedic, podiatry, nephrology, obstetrics, audiology, women’s health and cardiopulmonary services. Inpatient care is covered by a close working relationship with the excellent community hospitals in nearby Lander, Wyoming that has an 83-bed hospital, fully staffed inpatient psychiatric hospital and also Central Wyoming Rehabilitation Unit and Riverton Memorial Hospital has a fully staffed 70-bed hospital. The Wind River Service Unit is accredited by Accreditation Association or Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).
Mission Statement
In partnership with American Indian and Alaskan Native People, is to raise their physical, mental, social, environmental and spiritual
health to the highest level.
Vision Statement
Through compassion, excellence, and teamwork, we are devoted to improving your health!
Contact Information
Fort Washakie Health Center
P.O. Box 128
Fort Washakie, Wyoming 82514
Main: (307) 332-7300
Fax: (307) 332-3949
Arapahoe Health Center
P.O. Box 1310
Arapahoe, Wyoming 82510
Main: (307) 856-9281
Fax: (307) 856-1630
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Services Offered
Behavioral Health and Social Services
Business Office
Community Health Nursing
Contract Health Services
Diabetes Program
Medical Records
Housing is located on the agency compound but availability fluctuates depending on the staffing needs and current housing market.
Government housing is assigned on an individual basis. The housing arrangements are administered via the Administration Officer, Wind River Service Unit. All are within walking distance of the Fort Washakie Clinic and the Wind River. Personnel are responsible for rent and utility costs in government housing. Staff may also elect to live in the surrounding communities of Lander which
is 16 miles South of Fort Washakie or Riverton which is 10 miles east of Arapahoe. Local realtors in those communities can be contacted regarding rentals or purchase of homes. Shopping and other services can be done in Lander (population of approximately 7,500) or Riverton (population of approximately 9,600). Casper, WY is located in the central part of the state and is our largest city in Wyoming. It is approximately 2.5 hours from Lander.
Community Information
The reservation is an area about 3,500 square miles or 2,268,000 acres, just east of the Continental Divide. It is bordered roughly on the north by the Owl Creek Mountains that join the Rocky Mountains and east to the Wind River Canyon. The Wind River Reservation serves as the contemporary home of the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapahoe tribes. The reservation covers more than 2.2 million acres in central Wyoming's beautiful Wind River Basin. The Wind River Basin, the traditional home of the Shoshones for centuries, is called "The Warm Valley of the Wind River" by its native inhabitants. The reservation is the third largest in the United States. You are encouraged to visit the websites listed on the menu to the left for the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapahoe tribes to find out about the cultural activities that take place in our community. If you love the outdoors, you will appreciate the location of the Wind River
Service Unit. We are nestled at the foot of the Wind River Mountain Range, approximately 4 hours from Yellowstone Park (Old Faithful), 3 hours from Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Traveling Northeast about 1 ½ hours you will find the worlds largest mineral hot springs in Thermopolis, Wyoming. South of Lander about 1 hour is the site of historical South Pass City where gold was found in earlier years. If you like to hike, camp, snow ski, water ski, hunt, fish you name it, there is a wide range of outdoor activities available in the immediate and surrounding area.
Public schools are available for grades K-12 on the reservation, or in any of the surrounding towns of Lander and Riverton. For those choosing to go further in school, but do not want to leave the area, Riverton’s Central Wyoming College offers a number of associate degree programs in association with the University of Wyoming.
District No. 1 Lander Valley High School Office Phone: 307-332-3640
District No. 1 Lander North Elementary School Office Phone: 307-332-5943
District No. 1 Lander South Elementary School Office Phone: 307-332-6690
District No. 1 West Elementary School Office Phone: 307-332-6967
District No. 1 Lander Starrett Junior High School Phone: 307-332-4040
District No. 6 Wind River Elementary / Junior High / High School Phone: 307-856-6327
District No. 14 Wyoming Indian Elementary / Jr. High High School Phone: 307-332-2053
District No. 21 Fort Washakie Elementary / Junior High / High School Phone: 307-332-2380
District No. 38 Arapahoe Elementary / Junior High / High School Phone: 307-856-9333
St. Stephens Elementary / Junior High / High School Phone: 307-856-5073
Shoshone & Arapahoe Tribes Headstart Ft Washakie Center Phone: 307-332-2519
Wind River Tribal College
Phone: 307-335-8243
Central Wyoming
College 800-735-8418
Wind River Reservation TribesThe Reservation is jointly owned with each tribe holding 50% interest in the land, water and other natural resources. Each Tribe is committed fully to the welfare of their members. Job creation and economic development are a high priority for each tribe. Joint meetings are held with regard to jointly owned resources for the economic benefit of each Tribe.
Northern Arapaho Tribe WebsiteVisit the Northern Arapaho Tribe Website
Eastern Shoshone Tribe WebsiteVisit the Eastern Shoshone Tribe Website
Courtesy of
P.O. Box 128
Fort Washakie, Wyoming 82514
Main: (307) 332-7300
Fax: (307) 332-3949
The user population is comprised of 10,964 Native American people. We have two outpatient clinics, one located in Arapahoe and one located in Ft. Washakie. We are staffed with family physicians, pediatricians, physician assistant, family nurse practitioners, psychologists, dentists, dietician, public health nurses and optometrists. Specialty clinics are also held at our facilities ranging from orthopedic, podiatry, nephrology, obstetrics, audiology, women’s health and cardiopulmonary services. Inpatient care is covered by a close working relationship with the excellent community hospitals in nearby Lander, Wyoming that has an 83-bed hospital, fully staffed inpatient psychiatric hospital and also Central Wyoming Rehabilitation Unit and Riverton Memorial Hospital has a fully staffed 70-bed hospital. The Wind River Service Unit is accredited by Accreditation Association or Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).
Mission Statement
In partnership with American Indian and Alaskan Native People, is to raise their physical, mental, social, environmental and spiritual
health to the highest level.
Vision Statement
Through compassion, excellence, and teamwork, we are devoted to improving your health!
Contact Information
Fort Washakie Health Center
P.O. Box 128
Fort Washakie, Wyoming 82514
Main: (307) 332-7300
Fax: (307) 332-3949
Arapahoe Health Center
P.O. Box 1310
Arapahoe, Wyoming 82510
Main: (307) 856-9281
Fax: (307) 856-1630
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Services Offered
Behavioral Health and Social Services
- Clinical Services to individuals, groups, and families
- Psychosocial evaluation
- Psychological evaluations / Case Management
- Crisis intervention
- Stress management
- Services address problems of child/adult abuse or neglect, domestic
violence or abuse, sexual assault victims, referral to appropriate agency
- Patient and family education
- Case consultation
- Alcohol after care
- Employee assistance program
- Group facilitation and counseling
- Emergency, outpatient, and inpatient services
- Consultation/liaison service
- Forensic and auxiliary services
- The criteria for use of behavioral or social services includes: persons
presenting with problems of an emotional, psychiatric, psychological, or
behavioral including marital, parent-child, or grief/loss issues. Patients can
either be self-referred or referred by another agency.
Business Office
- Patient registration
- Admissions
- Third party billing
Community Health Nursing
- Communicable Disease Control Program
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Tuberculosis Control / Hepatitis Control
- Other Communicable Diseases - case find, case investigation, treatment
supervision, individual & community education
- Immunization Program – Childhood and Adult
- Maternal Child Health Program
- Prenatal Counseling/Education
- High Risk follow-up
- Infant/Child Program – newborn-infant assessment, parenting counseling,
safety education, infant feeding, growth & development counseling,
coordination of special needs services
- Home Visiting Services
- School Program
- Consultation Services
- Presentation of Health Topics
- Senior Program
- Health Promotion/screening activities
- Coordination of services
- Tribal Health Program
- Participation in Health Fairs/Community Activities
- Consultation & In-services
- Emergency Preparedness
- Planning & Coordination
- Community Education
Contract Health Services
- The CHS program is a financial service provided by the Indian Health
Service to help pay for services outside of the IHS facilities. It is not a
guarantee nor an insurance program and not all IHS patients are covered.
- CHS verifies and prove patients meet the guidelines to be eligible for CHS
- Fillings
- Extractions
- Pediatrics
- Limited Dentures
- Limited Prosthodontics
- Sealant / Fluoride Program for schools
Diabetes Program
- Works closely with medical staff as a diabetes care team
- Provides diabetes education and awareness
- Provides opportunities to enhance individuals’ weight-control efforts
- Offers blood glucose and blood pressure screening for the community
- Coordinates home blood glucose monitoring program
- Collaborates with the Eastern Shoshone & Northern Arapahoe Diabetes
Programs in promoting diabetes prevention and optimal health in the schools and
- Provides professional services of a clinical psychologist
- Provides professional services of a registered dietitian
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Comprehensive COLA Accredited Laboratory Services
Medical Records
- Support all health information that is generated in the facility
- Distribute health information
- Provide medical transcription of health information
- Maintain medical records
- Maintain the integrity, availability and security of health information
- Family Practice
- Colposcopy
- Teen Clinic
- Women’s Health
- Stress Test
- Well Child
- After Hours Clinic
- Pediatric
- Administrative services for nursing department
- Nursing support for all clinics (in-house, Teen Clinic, Specialty, etc.)
- Infusions, Injections, Immunizations
- Chemotherapy
- Procedures
- Patient Education
- Electronic Health Record
- Establishing policies and procedures
- Visual exams
- Sanitation provides sanitation facilities for Indian Homes under PL86-121
- Environmental Health Services covers general environmental health,
community injury prevention and institutional environmental health
- Prevention, recognition, and correction of actual and potential
Medicare/Medicaid “Fraud-Abuse-Waste”
- Compliance with all government regulations, policies and procedures
- Assures facility resources are used appropriately and efficiently
Housing is located on the agency compound but availability fluctuates depending on the staffing needs and current housing market.
Government housing is assigned on an individual basis. The housing arrangements are administered via the Administration Officer, Wind River Service Unit. All are within walking distance of the Fort Washakie Clinic and the Wind River. Personnel are responsible for rent and utility costs in government housing. Staff may also elect to live in the surrounding communities of Lander which
is 16 miles South of Fort Washakie or Riverton which is 10 miles east of Arapahoe. Local realtors in those communities can be contacted regarding rentals or purchase of homes. Shopping and other services can be done in Lander (population of approximately 7,500) or Riverton (population of approximately 9,600). Casper, WY is located in the central part of the state and is our largest city in Wyoming. It is approximately 2.5 hours from Lander.
Community Information
The reservation is an area about 3,500 square miles or 2,268,000 acres, just east of the Continental Divide. It is bordered roughly on the north by the Owl Creek Mountains that join the Rocky Mountains and east to the Wind River Canyon. The Wind River Reservation serves as the contemporary home of the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapahoe tribes. The reservation covers more than 2.2 million acres in central Wyoming's beautiful Wind River Basin. The Wind River Basin, the traditional home of the Shoshones for centuries, is called "The Warm Valley of the Wind River" by its native inhabitants. The reservation is the third largest in the United States. You are encouraged to visit the websites listed on the menu to the left for the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapahoe tribes to find out about the cultural activities that take place in our community. If you love the outdoors, you will appreciate the location of the Wind River
Service Unit. We are nestled at the foot of the Wind River Mountain Range, approximately 4 hours from Yellowstone Park (Old Faithful), 3 hours from Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Traveling Northeast about 1 ½ hours you will find the worlds largest mineral hot springs in Thermopolis, Wyoming. South of Lander about 1 hour is the site of historical South Pass City where gold was found in earlier years. If you like to hike, camp, snow ski, water ski, hunt, fish you name it, there is a wide range of outdoor activities available in the immediate and surrounding area.
Public schools are available for grades K-12 on the reservation, or in any of the surrounding towns of Lander and Riverton. For those choosing to go further in school, but do not want to leave the area, Riverton’s Central Wyoming College offers a number of associate degree programs in association with the University of Wyoming.
District No. 1 Lander Valley High School Office Phone: 307-332-3640
District No. 1 Lander North Elementary School Office Phone: 307-332-5943
District No. 1 Lander South Elementary School Office Phone: 307-332-6690
District No. 1 West Elementary School Office Phone: 307-332-6967
District No. 1 Lander Starrett Junior High School Phone: 307-332-4040
District No. 6 Wind River Elementary / Junior High / High School Phone: 307-856-6327
District No. 14 Wyoming Indian Elementary / Jr. High High School Phone: 307-332-2053
District No. 21 Fort Washakie Elementary / Junior High / High School Phone: 307-332-2380
District No. 38 Arapahoe Elementary / Junior High / High School Phone: 307-856-9333
St. Stephens Elementary / Junior High / High School Phone: 307-856-5073
Shoshone & Arapahoe Tribes Headstart Ft Washakie Center Phone: 307-332-2519
Wind River Tribal College
Phone: 307-335-8243
Central Wyoming
College 800-735-8418
Wind River Reservation TribesThe Reservation is jointly owned with each tribe holding 50% interest in the land, water and other natural resources. Each Tribe is committed fully to the welfare of their members. Job creation and economic development are a high priority for each tribe. Joint meetings are held with regard to jointly owned resources for the economic benefit of each Tribe.
Northern Arapaho Tribe WebsiteVisit the Northern Arapaho Tribe Website
Eastern Shoshone Tribe WebsiteVisit the Eastern Shoshone Tribe Website
Courtesy of