Tanana Chiefs Conference (Chief Andrew Isaac)

- (907) 452-8251 ext. 3140
- 1-800-478-7822 ext. 3140
- (907) 459-3950
201 First Avenue, Suite 300
Fairbanks, Alaska 99701
number of non-medical programs
clinic, later named the Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center (CAIHC),
initially including:
- medical
- dental
- pharmacy
- nursing
- business office
- health records
- public health nursing
- Optometry
- Community Health Aide Program
- Behavioral Health services
- Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
- Office of Environmental Health (OEH)
Health Services manages the health delivery system for the villages of Interior Alaska under the terms of Public Law 93-638. In partnership with villages, Health Services also operates and manages smaller satellite clinics in 28 villages as well as the Edgar Nollner Health Center in Galena and the Upper Tanana Health Center in Tok.
TCC Health
Health Services currently consists of the
following departments / programs:
- Quality Management
- Patient Advocacy
- Data department for grant compliance